On toturial this time we will discuss how to create their own online tv in our home. Create a Live Streaming Video or TV Online itself is very easy.

TV Online
TV Online

How come ?
1.You only need to open an account at on USTREAM .Do registration on USTREAM.
2.After your account on Ustream active means that the activities of the TV online you can already you do. The TV online you are ready to appeared in live streaming.Then how to broadcast you can do Live Broadcast with Webcam belongs to you at home or laptop.How very easy not? Good luck in your home or in your office

I believe after reading this article you can create your own home or your own online Tv diruamah you.In Ustream you can create their own online TV station and you can also broadcast the event live streaming video online

Ustream, was established in the year 2007, Ustream provide service streaming video for more than 80 million spectators and broadcaster in the whole world. Its headquarters now in San Francisco and have more than 180 workers.

Not only in the Ustream, there are some other site that can be in use make vidio streaming online or tv online own namely :

2. Justin TV.

You can also stream video through the web with software Server Streaming Video Broadcam.

Even through Youtube can also .Yuotube facilities menyediakann Live Streaming Video to on-profit organizations berupla live event.
A new blog you can show up in a search engine usually requires a long time., the number of index website or blog in the search engines will be more in line with the growing number of articles on your blog as well as the old age a blog.The more articles you published on your blog eating a growing number of articles mumcul in the search engines.

Search engines
Search engines

How a new blog or web can quickly appear on search engines?

If you have a new website or blog is new then you should try is how tricks in order to make a new blog or website you can quickly appear on search engineslike yahoo, google, or bing. The best way is by trying to let your blog faster toappear so more quickly identify the search engines and will have the potentialfor easier and faster is also found in the search results.

Some of the following tricks you can do to your website or blog can quicklyappear on yahoo's search engine-bing-google:

* Integrate your website to google analytic

Function Google analysts is a tool from google that serves to monitor theinteraction of visitors to your blog, google analytic in detail will give you information about the results of the interaction of visitors to your blog in the form of figures and graphs, this tool is essential for the evaluation of the data and analysis blog mainly blogs or sites used for the business.
By integrating the blog into google analytic indirectly give signals to google that your site is there and google analytic will help to record and report any activityvisitors traces of your blog.

*. Register your Blog to Google Webmaster Tools

Google webmaster tools is a tool from google that can help to monitor thegoogle search engine robot interaction against your blog. Any search robotgoogle engines dialakukan against Your blog information will be stored and in the report to you for material analysis and evaluation in order to improve the performance of the blog.
By mendafarkan blog to google webmaster tools does not give a signal to google that there is a new blog ready to crawl in to be discovered.

*. Register your Blog to Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing webmaster tool similar to google webmaster tool, if google webmatertools specific to google's search engine bing webmaster tools Special Guests tothe bing search engine and also yaoo.
By registering blog to bing, then your blog will be easier diindex and recognized by the search engine bing and yahoo also.
*. Submit a site map (Hospitality) your blog in google webmaster tools and bing webmaster tools
The next step is to submit your map blog site in webmaster tools and also bingwebmaster tools, before doing this you should register your blog on bothwebmaster tools, after registering you submit.

To submits the sitemap of your blog on bing and also google webmaster tools,you can read on the following article:
do submit the site map, it means providing important information to search engines about the content of your blog site map making it easier for the search engine robots to explore the important parts that are found in your blog.

*. Follow your Blog URL on bing and google

the next is the Url of your blog in submits bing and google too, don't just send the URL of your blog once in bing and google, and do not also sends the URL ofyour blog article every published.

Submit Blog URL means that tell yahoo search engine bing also that there areblogs that should be on the crawl for diindex, so also sends the url of the blog articles each time you finish do publish, it will help the search engines to crawlmore quickly on your blog immediately to diindex.

Please send us the url of your new blog at bings send the url, submit url google, too, so every time you finished articles published, send us also your blog url in both tools.

*. Submit your blog on alexa

Alexa is an online service that can help provide useful information about the interaction of visitors to the blog as well as provide an assessment in the form ofa ranking based on the results of a calculation involving cross-owned alexa site.
For more information about alexa you can read: know what alexa rank in more detail
the effort to speed up index search engines google and bing are Your blogsubmits to alexa.

*. Submit to blog directories

one of them is considered search engine indexes can speed up is to submit your blog to blog directory in the right way.
If you would like to submit to blog directories, so choose a blog directory have the authority was a good credibility in the eyes of the search engine, the reference you can view directory listing blog here.
One recommendation please select in Alltop, but will be required to register.

*. Seamlessly integrate with social media.

Facebook fanspage, twitter account and google also be the best option to make your blog more faster diindex, please create a facebook fanspage and alsogoogle pages for your blog.
*. Complete registration blog on ahref.
Ahref is a tool or online services that are useful to analyze backlinks, owned the site, please complete the registration on the domain, and adding ahref your blog through report menu > add domain.

*. Send also in the catalog blog

Blog catalog is a webdirectory site where you can blog submits You in it, this can speed up the search engine index, before submits in the catalog of the blog,you should make sure that your blog is well preserved and quite conten, because generally the team will review the blog Catalog manually, if your blog is considered less pretty it will be rejected manually.

*. Submit your blog in pinteres

Pinteres is an image-based social networking is popular, you can sign up and at the same time looks like a link to your blog on your profile in it, besides you getpinteres backlink can also help improve brand your blog if you are active.

How do I put google adsense advertisements to appear in the middle of the article postingan website or your blog. Installing the unit advertisements in the middle of the post does not use the wensite widget or blogs ,this because not widget can be on the move or in the pointer in areas postingan ,article to avoid advertising google adsense unit can be seen in the middle of the article post, then you must looks like advertising adsense unit code through the template code blogs have you,as usual before the advertising unit adsense code can be received and conscientious person also on the web or blog .You must set the "parse" first advertising unit code in take from your adsense account.after that, we can pair on the website heads up your blog

Here Adsense
Here Adsense

-Follow the steps below.
1. Go to the google adsense account belongs to you and then select the advertising unit adsense code that you want to pair on the web you.Prase first advertising unitk code that you have taken from google adsense.
2.Now go to the website account or your blog,Then select the blog will you pair the ad unit code.

2. Select the Template >>select Edit HTML >> Use CTRL F to make it easier for you to search for the code for advertising adsense unit code looks like you in the middle of the post.
CRTL F then how the Code <data:post.body/> on the edit your blog HTML
3 after you find the code and change the code <data:post.body/> with the following code

<div expr:id='"post1" data:post.id'/>
<div class='googlepublisherads' style='argine:20px 0'>
- Put here unit adsense code parse results --
<div expr:id='"post2" data:post.id'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var obj0=document.getElementById("post1<data:post.id/>");
var obj1=document.getElementById("post2<data:post.id/>");
var s=obj1.innerHTML;
var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2);
var r=t.lastIndexOf("<br>"); the
coveted if(r>0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r 4);}

4.Take unit code that you have prase earlier and pointer on the writing

- Put here unit adsense code parse results -- "

5. Finished, save your template. Click Save

to change your advertising position to suit your own taste .You can modify it through the number that I give the red color:

* For Advertising adsense unit code looks like in the middle of the post your blog , simply by changing the (2 ) become numbers ( 3).

* To looks like advertising adsense unit code on a quarter of post your blog , simply by changing the i number( 2) become numbers ( 4).
Google Adsense is the best program PPC (Payout Per Click) the most liked by the publisher online for in pair in blog or the web they.generally they can generate a lot of money with a publisher on google adsense.Even become magnate after becoming a publisher on google adsense.And this is very evident.

Pict by Google Adsense
Pict by Google Adsense

Many bloggers who are interested to participate to register as a publisher on google adsense, much is also not accepted a publisher on Google Adsense.This due to the website or blog they did not meet the rules that have been set by the adsense.while the Google Adsense itself wants a train blog becomes the publisher they are sites that unique,powerful,provide info is in need by the visitors and high quality and meet the existing rules on google adsense.

What are the conditions in order to easily accepted as a publisher on google adsense.? The Website or blog must have a unique are capable of playing back with a good resale value and to the original article and the greatness of the benefits from the existing are capable of playing back on a website or blog that is the main requirements for a blog or website in gratitude for so publisher on google adsense.

How to enroll in Google Adsense.?
Before you perform the applicants as publisher on google adsense is good you should consider some important things in the following.

1.You must have a unique are capable of playing back and many in need or many in the search for the man.
The meaning is that you must make the articles have a good selling power in the eyes of the visitors,are capable of playing back you containing the info-info is very in need by visitors,But the thing that you must keep is to aslian an article is the result of your work and not a copy paste from the blog or the website of others.
2.The age of a blog or website is very affect accepted or whether or not you as a publisher adsense.
Note the age of the website or your blog before you register on google adense.Minmal age of a website or blog is 1 months or older age of blogs is better and more easily in the received by adsense.

3. The number of the article or the number of are capable of playing back very affect a blog for in received by google adsense.
The more the number of articles in the load on your blog is the better and more easily to in received by adsense.follows my experience of time the list so the publisher on google adsense,where the number of the article i totals only 25 articles and are received by the adsense as a publisher. I do not know exactly how many minimum number of are capable of playing back in blogs that can be received in the adsense.but with 25 article i succeeded in receive as publisher adsense.more unique article on the website or your blog is the higher the level of your success to in receive as publisher on google adsense.

4. You should use a paid Domain or TLD Domain (Top-level domain)on your blog.
A paid domain or TLD Domain (Top-level domain) you people can be easier to in receive on google adsense.your opportunity to become publisher higher in compare with free domain google as blogspot.com.Anda can still in thank so publisher with wear free blogspot.com domain ,but your opportunity is not as high as for those who wore a paid domain such as com,info, net,org and others.quite difficult accepted if you wear domian top blogspot.com,Pengalaman i if you do not have the funds to buy TLD domain ,Search only TLD domain free,many vendors that provide TLD domain for free for 1 years tetpi for next year you must pay them.

5. Complete all support information on the web or your blog.
Create a website or your blog look professional with how to complete the supporting information page as About, Privacy Policy, contact, TOS. Because this makes the visitors become comfortable on the website or your blog because they saw a blog professional enough in their eyes.

Hopefully this article can be the initial guidelines so that you will be able to receive as publisher on google adsense.But once flights resumed again you should see,do not register with the domain WordPress.com website on google adsense.Google adsense does not receive the website with the domain WordPress.com as publisher on adsense.

A new video reveals how beauty standards in Germany has changed and evolved over 100 years as the nation through two wars, divided and then unite again.
In the film model Brooke Williams made as a woman from 1910 s to modern day, embrace trends including punk 1980 and pay homage to the birth of Rheinberg Model icon Claudia Schiffer, which is very popular in the 1990s.

This is the latest in a series of video based in Seattle Cut.com which has displays the face of changed the beauty in America, Mexico, Italy, Korea and Iran.

Beauty standards in Germany
Beauty standards in Germany

Minutes-and-a-half opened with a clip is blond Brooke is displayed with the face of naked and hair canceled, ready to start the journey styles.
A team of Indonesian and make-up artist then work crimping their magic and grasp the hair to create a simple spring up-do not see popular in 1910.

A sight of smoke neutral and lipsticks chocolate-tightly applied and hair rake in the faux bob.
Then the white veil covers her hair because most women will only wear make-up for their wedding day.
To change in a girl flapper, styles in the 1920s, Brooke seen with bob, with Marcel waves.
And to show blossom artistic and moral behavior Weimar Republic, he given Brooke rouge lipsticks, curved eyebrows and dark brown color on their eyelids.

Beauty standards in Germany
Beauty standards in Germany in nazi model

The 1930s visible on Youtube clip also reflects the politics of the time and the model of the hair pulled into two woven low like that of the dawn of the Nazi era and the appearance of the women are usually stored natural. Make-up emphasized with red lips young man.
The 1940s view with a sense of strong military style model with the hair up-do, thick lipsticks red powder carve the cheekbones with natural blush.
His appearance ended with the military style green hat to complete World War II of the era of the display.
Then in the years after the war as a nation divided between the and the east and west, ideals of beauty between the two sides from Germany visible change.

In 1961 the Berlin Wall built, create a physical gap in the whole country.
For this is the difference in the style of women in both sides become even more clearly.
In West Germany, women seem united with the suburbs, curly hair loose and lipsticks red, while in East hair covered more simple, scarves Grace Kelly style.
As the Sixties get progress, women West Germany adopted the bob chic up-dos boldly but simple lipsticks and eyeshadow.
But in the East, trends move toward the mixing hairbands and earrings with pink lips dim and winged eyeliner.

The seven year tens of seeing the emergence of women wear long hair loose in the West, while in the East view of the hippy ish openly on the ascension, indicated by Brooke wearing the girdle head of hair is plaited; there are smiles on and will be naked complexion.

In the 1970s, women in the west have a better view androgini (left) and more hippy vibrations in the east (right)

1980 s known because of the decadence and style over-the-top and Germany was no exception.
The most striking view of natural selection is the punk style to the east.
A thick black eyeliner around his eyes and winging out in Cleopatra style applied with false nose ring, powder white and purple lips.
But to the east is a matter of cheerful with the face of gold and bronze and lipsticks pink bright. Shaggy periphery and fix the head plus gold chain all add excess was celebrated in the western world.7

Then in 1989 both countries to one another when the Berlin Wall torn down.
bun Brooke relaxd smoky eye chocolate and lipsticks with black liner life are typical of that time and raised up one of the most famous model Germany, Claudia Schiffer.
For the year 2000 s was full on much glamour with color that very gold, the sides of the fence and thick loose hairs that developed into a loose, visible in 2010 s less made-create.
Without the fringe of the heavy and thick black Britney Spears style of eye-additional liners, Brooke looks like women Europe low maintenance complexion fresh.

Source : [dailymail]
third largest city in Denmark has changed the prospect of making your own desired place to live and invest. At the heart of this change is an extraordinary commitment to get all the cycling city

in the center of the information while on the other side of the city hall, seen originally as a replica of the city of Denmark. But give them a few minutes and the local authorities will start to see some differences, especially for the main traffic route that divide the city center.
The way Thomas B Thriges was built in 1960 as a solution to traffic congestion car pertumbuh: move fast, four lane road placed as the curved band in the midst of the city.

Thomas B Thriges way
Thomas B Thriges way
The first ribbon cut by 18 months ago when the middle part of the road closed for vehicle. More is to come in a few years into the future , as the rest of the road turned into a new heart to Odense, provided for bicycles and pedestrians, and overlaid with shops, cafes and the house.
This is the center of the very ambitious and initially controversial, near- £ 3 billion makeover for the third largest city of Denmark, trying to revive the himself from a little struggling areas of the post-industrial to hub hi-tech for education and industry. And in the middle of the

Odense plan to change the busy four lane road to a region for walkers and those in the bike
"We try to think about the people who live here throughout their lives and have a good life in here," said Anker Boye , mayor city veteran, a painter house turned professional politicians. "Investors who come because they know people want to live in Odense."
luring came in two parts, which until this time may seem to assimilate confuses the right wing business ideas and more inclined to the left of the urban design.

Mobile way
Mobile way in Odense

The coalition of center-left Boye proud claim to have created the most environment friendly business in Denmark , with low taxs and various business costs eliminated. But in parallel to this is the city where 50 percent of all central journey made with bike, and more personal car and deliberately eliminated from the center.
While Copenhagen has long been a pilgrimage place for the stranger with longing to experience the popular culture of pro-bike Denmark, Odense quietly but emphatic merit on national transportation accessible two.

Denmark, Odense
Denmark, Odense

Following decades of work to build infrastructure and invest the cycling culture, the surprising statistics. Odense, a city only under 200,000 people, almost 350 miles from bicycle trails and 123 bridges cyclist the only.

The most impressive is the inclusiveness of the bicycle with 81 percent of children up to the school program and training in place to get newcomers KINDERGARTEN even two years to roll into and out of the house on the bike balance.
Troels Andersen, head of the project cycle of the city, said embedded the bike ness extends to the end of the demographic curve. "This is very rarely that parents stop biking because of the infrastructure and security, that is mainly due to balance problems," he said.

"With some people when they could not longer cycle because their age, they encourage their bicycles together as the framework running, rests on it. They do not like to use the framework of running normal, as you look really old and fragile. They walk around the city with their bicycles and they feel normal. "
Odense before one of industry center Denmark, especially for delivery, build ships large container for a group of Maersk until 2012.

Its hopes for the future of the economy based weight approx. formed back the center to reflect the new destination. An old port is being built with the office and the house and cultural center, all related to the center with only so the cycle bridge sweep the stave churches.

Meanwhile Thomas B Thriges way - named, would not want after a famous local industrialised - will be in the form of Master built again that not only bicycles and pedestrians but also new tramline, connect to city university and hospital. Cars can be near the city center through ringroads but will be transmitted to the garden-and-up the system or new underground parking.

source : [theguardian]
With a high level of pollution problems and style of driving the Italians famous, Milan almost not known as the city of cycle-friendly city - for it is in the developed a new scheme which aims to change the habit of

 cycle-friendly city
 cycle-friendly city

Milan is very popular with the Vespas and driving style quite uncertain, Italy is not the area that is known for developing urban cycling culture. While the cities in northern Europe has been more advanced in innovative solutions to citizens on their motorcycle, in paese car bell remains the king.
Now the locomotive of the economy of Italy, fourthly Milan, attempting to bring Milan back in the olden bicicletta with pay everyone to bicycle to go to the office. The steps taken after the announcement in December from has received € 35m (£ 27m) government funding for sustainable mobility solutions, after Milan and other parts of the country was hit by a dangerous level of pollution.

In the next few weeks on a national and local government will start to compete for the state coffers, together with members of the Council of Milan to perform mobility, Pierfrancesco Maran was, hopes to become the first in the queues. While there is already movement in Milan to make the cycle-friendly city, as sharing scheme that has been successful bike, and he strongly believe that this can be successfully done.

pollution problems
pollution problems

"Change them to go to work with wear bike; similar project has also been done in France, "words Maran was. French conducting test this system in the year 2014, where each employee paid 25 cents per kilometer for those who use the bike go to work. This pilot on the same principles that are currently being initiated in Massarosa, a small Tuscan city where 50 people said take part. The introduction of the scheme share bike Milan is part of the effort to create the cycle-friendly city.
The Office has been advised to employees with Maran was to use the application for each tracking people who bicycle to work place: "Software is not; 100 percent perfect but think no that provides a large amount of money, "he said.

Maran was has requested assistance from the Polytechnic University of Milan to work outside the practical, with mobility manager that institution, Eleonora Perotto, gives advice about how good potential in preparing the scheme.

One of ideas including the system to monitor the speed of the journey a person to check whether they really biking to work - despite the heavy traffic Milan can make this challenge. "In the city, those who travel with a bicycle almost faster than the car," said Perotto. He strongly supports this scheme as one way to promote cycling in Milan,but he admitted that he did not wear a bicycle to work ,this in because the distance and difficulty of the route to the place he works.

His sentiment reflects the key defect in proposals for paying people to bicycle to work: that money alone is not enough incentives. The French scheme has moderate results, with only a few hundred people reported the signing of more than 8,000 who qualify, while this year will become clear how well the Italy in Massarosa took the idea.
Ralph Buehler, a professor in the field of urban and planning at Virginia Tech in the United States, believe pay scheme should be accompanied by other measures to create a bicycle is a realistic choice. He singled out the U.S. research foundabout 60 percent of the population is "interested but are concerned about the cycling". In 2015 and Milan to ban for a car for three days this to overcome the pollution and smoke.

"If you do not provide a secure cycling environment, you will only get a small group of people," said Buehler. "Only pay people alone will not have many effects, because you do not get to the part of the population that 'enthusiastic but concerned'."

availability of bike parking secure and bathroom that all areas that can affect the willingness of someone to bicycle to the office. Relatively easy driving also factors, although Buehler warned difficult to enforce action against the car before other options are in place.
"Experience shows that you can make it more difficult for people to me

Source : [ theguardian]
what will happen if the legend of the lost city of Atlantis in the paper by screenplay from Kevin Costner, 1995 through the films "Waterworld"?

Perhaps the city as The Ocean Hooks-- a metropolitan cities under water to produce energy from the bottom of the sea and able to provide the house and accommodation to 5,000.
Sure, such as blue sky thinking will only seem plausible in the world of Hollywood CGI, but this is the futuristic concept proposed by the Japanese construction company Shimizu Corp.

Ilustration The Ocean the spiral
Ilustration The Ocean the spiral

In accordance with what is in the gospel and the decision by the company is currently looking for experts from the University of Tokyo,this project in the initiate by the ministry of the Japanese government and energy companies to make this project.
Shimizu also said that the projects such as The Ocean the spiral may need to be required for the future to face increasing global issues such as rising sea levels and the need to create a new clean energy sources.

The division zone under the sea

Zone is divided into three zones special structure will test all the way to destroy the black depth 2.8 miles under the sea off the coast of Japan.

A giant sphere with a diameter of 500 meters (1,640 feet) located below the surface will form the first part and the house residential zone, business and hotel.

This area will be connected to the nine-mile hooks (Part 2) that go down to the bottom of the ocean where a submarine port of the sea and the plant (Part 3) will create the energy needed for the power of the vehicle with the use of micro-organisms that turn carbon dioxide into methane.

If it is not enough high-tech power plants, located along the spiral will then use the difference in temperature of the water of the sea to create additional energy by applying the thermal conversion technology.

Shimizu has a history of imaginative, high concept including space hotel project and floating city botanical.

The company also said that The Ocean hooks will take five years to build and for the perfection of the necessary technology will be ready in 15 years.
Funding and intensive training we will soon prepare until the time to arrive at the time.

Source : [cnn]

Sebastian-Jamaican red crabs may have preached the virtue of "Life Under the Sea" in Disney's "Little Mermaid," but as long as people have failed to come around to crustaceans thinking.

Indeed, the future of human settlements, whether through choice or misfortune, often imagined (in popular culture at least) as beyond the Earth's orbit. Sub-aquatic life still seems, guilty he may be debatable, very alien.


Not so for the architect Vincent Callebaut Belgium. He has expressed ambitious plans for a series of eco-villages under the water that can house up to 20,000 people each in the future. Aequorea his project to imagine entirely sufficient, and because "oceanscrapers" touch the sea floor of the mangrove-covered marinas on the surface of the sea in the world.

Jellyfish-like in appearance, each oceanscraper will be built using recycled plastic from the misleadingly named "Seventh Continent", or the Great Pacific Garbage fillings (over debris here is believed to be in the form of microplastics, rather than a visible mass).

As well as living space, Aequorea going home, office, lab science Hotel, recreation grounds and 250 farms across the hard floor and reaches a depth of up to 1,000 meters (3,280 feet). The sea water will be desalinated for drinking, microalgae will recycle organic waste, and the light will be provided through bioluminescence.

They worry about the impact of the strong current to destabilize the country, thunderstorms, or even earthquakes, ie, all people, do not worry: the towers' geometry, and ballasting would negate whirlpools sea and buoyancy of nature, while the thickness of the outer shell will raise "from the surface down to the sea, to compensate the tension caused by the increased pressure. "
Source : [cnn]

*Samsung Galaxy S7 & Samsung Galaxy S7 ends

Samsung Galaxy S7 ends
Samsung Galaxy S7 ends

As the rumours that promised, Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Ends revealed at MWC in February 2016, and is scheduled to start sold from March 11.
While the Galaxy S7 has received some improvement costs, Galaxy S7 Edge has grown in size and now have the screen 5.5in. The two new models now use watercooling (yes, watercooling, really) to maintain their Exynos 8890 processor under the control of; has been leaked IP68 we love in the Galaxy S5; and microSD card has also makes the smartphone.
This is seen as Samsung has taken all complaints on the board and delivered the best pair of smart phone not yet.

*Sony Xperia X and Xperia X Performance

Xperia X Performance
Xperia X Performance

Zed died, baby. Zed is dead. We expect Sony to attract new supercharged Xperia beautiful blanket Z6 in MWC 2016, but not the kill Xperia Z really: the length of family life Xperia X
One of the interesting development is that Sony has decided to change its prime with a pair of new phone. The new smart phone visible millimeter-identical restrictions on one significant difference: they use Qualcomm processor that is different. Xperia X using the mid-range Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 while the performance of Xperia X chose to giant-range, Qualcomm Snapdragon toppings 820
Regardless of the processor, however, two blackberry are identical. You get 5in the screen Full HD, 2GB RAM, 32GB storage area in the model of single-SIM (dual version in dual-SIM), the microSD card slot, rear camera 23 MP and the camera toward the front of the 13MP. Of course, Android 6 Marshmallow installed as standard.

*LG G5


LG surprised everyone in MWC 2016. G5 appears as blue chips dramatically redesigned who dared to do something that is of a completely different: he introduces upgradeable modular design that allows to install the camera add-ons, DAC high-end and the battery replaced.
We may be expected to display 4K, but LG chose to make a few changes that will have a real impact on the world smart phone. In addition to all the metal modular design, however, G5 package in all things that you would expect from the blue chips in 2016. Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 took center stage with 4GB RAM, 32GB storage and a microSD card slot is very important.
And in an unusual twist, G5 also have dual rear camera to replace the standard 16 megapixel snapper with wide-angles 8 megapixel camera that said LG perfect for landscape and architecture photography, and for a large group scene in the room.

*One M10

One M10
One M10

HTC HTC has built a solid reputation with something futile one blackberry him. Why? Good question. On paper, blackberry is standard enough high-end Android device that does not offer innovative features. However, HTC considers the design of the Blackberry to USP. The One great speakers toward the front and overlay software Sense UI very popular.
With that in mind, predict the specifications of the next-gen HTC andalan blackberry is not too challenging (provided it gets stuck on the same formula). Expect the great light of the screen similar to 2015 Galaxy S6, fast processor (good Snapdragon 810 or later 820), 2-3GB RAM, two speakers toward the front of the great and the metal frame.

*The IPhone Apple 7

The IPhone Apple 7
The IPhone Apple 7

IPhone 7 must be more revolution from evolution, and will come with rafts new features, all packed in the handset really redesigned. Apple has stores some of the iPhone 7 the details of the hidden, but when we approach the release date, we slowly reveal more details about the iPhone next.

*Huawei P9

Huawei P9
Huawei P9

Is unfortunately absent from rafts release more in Barcelona at MWC 2016, but Huawei P9 has the potential to become one of the most interesting of 2016.
Huawei has big ambitions for brands become power in the West. It is not surprising to hear that it aims to win more with smart phone something futile next - and considering the quality of Huawei built Google Moon Nexus 6P, is a company that is more than able to take the top position Android. The
specification P9 reportedly quite extraordinary also. This is reported Huawei working on own Kirin 950 processor, who leaked benchmark recommends that will be faster than the Samsung Exynos 7420, making it one of the fastest Android processor at this time.

If you want to search for the best smart phone in terms of use feature and is suitable for your finances. Then the following Smart Phone is worthy to you accountable.

1.Wileyfox Swift

Wileyfox Swift
Wileyfox Swift
May be new you hear the name of the manufacturer smartphone Wileyfox .because it is a relatively new company in the field of smartphoe. But the features that are found on the smartphone has attracted the attention of the great smart phone users in the world, Smartphoe is called by the name of "Swift'. Smart Phone Swift has an interesting display so very impressive. Smart Phone Swift has almost the same specification with Motorola Motto G .But Smart Phone Swift has cheaper prices from Motorola MotoG only berbandrol £ 129.

2.Cubot P12

Cubot P12
Cubot P12

Cubot P12 is smart phone middle class with cheaper prices Cubot P12 is one of the best smart phone for consumers with the tight budget. With the design of the stylish and sleek, with 5-inch screen display Social Studies offers the views worthy. With a magnitude of battery 2200 mAh competent enough. Cubot P12 is a smartphone smartphone with the cheap price that only £ 74,99 entered on the position 2 in the smart phone list the best value.

3.Motorola the Motto E 4G

Motto E 4G
Motto E 4G
Motorola Motto E 4G also smart phone with the cheap price. But very worthy to you have with the stylish design will make all the people become interested. Cubot P12 equipped with the ability to increase the performance of a very good, internal storage device Cubot P12 has increased up to 8 GB and can be expanded through microSDDengan card slot in the complete camera 5 MP can surpass smart phone other cheap. The fact that most remarkable of Cubot P12 smart phone this smart only valuable £ 109,

4.LG Moon Nexus 5X

LG Moon Nexus 5X
LG Moon Nexus 5X

Smartphone moon nexus is always interesting for the user because the price is cheaper and an exceptional performance. The current generation LG Moon Nexus 5X also is no different. This has been praised by the users and analysts to show impressive performance, although marked with only $ 349,99.
Although equipped with the hardware a little more weak, With Snapdragon 808GPU and 2 GB RAM, Moon Nexus 5X still surpassed the competition. With 6.0 operating system Android,. With the screen 5.2 inch IPS display very look beautiful. Equipped with the camera front 12.3 MP and rear camera 5 MP is capable of producing high quality photos. If you have a tight budget, Then LG Moon Nexus 5X is the right choice for you.

Do Factory reset or reset the smartphone android aims to restore the software on the smartphone or tablet android kekondisi beginning as a new time out from the factory. Factory reset is usually done to resolve the problem of damage that occurs on android software.
Factory reset or reset the android will cause all data and applications are stored in the internal memory of the smart phone or tablet android will be erased.Many ways that can be done to reset the android, either through the menu Backup & Reset, pressing secret codes,or through the Recovery Mode on the Android.

Re-Reset All the latest Android Smartphone 1
Re-Reset All the latest Android Smartphone 1
Because of the large number of methods that can be done to reset the smartphone android so will I explain one by one so that you understand it clearly. The following is how to factory reset hp android that you can try itself :

Re-Reset All the latest Android Smartphone 2
Re-Reset All the latest Android Smartphone 2

through the setup menu in the smartphone Android or Table android
this way could be tried if you can still access the Setup menu or setting on the smartphone android, before performing a hard reset should backup first data that is considered important as photos, videos, documents and other important files to the External Memory.

Re-Reset All the latest Android Smartphone 3
Re-Reset All the latest Android Smartphone 3

To return to the factory settings of his steps are as follows :
- into the Setup menu
- Scroll down and find the menu Backup & Reset
- then tap Factory data reset
 - considered true,then tap reset device.
The process of reset
- Wait until finished around 3-10 minutes depending on the number of existing data on the smart phone or tablet.
- after the smartphone android will restart itself, if not please do manually.
The second way that can be taken is using a secret key that is*2767*3855# . With the note you can still access the keyboard.

Factory reset with Recovery Mode

this last step is the most effective way to reset the smartphone android or table android, how this is usually done if we cannot access the smart phone or tablet as Bootloop.
The following is how to go to Recovery Mode to conducting Wipe Data or Factory reset on the smartphone Android :
1. First make sure the battery you just, minimum 70% to avoid unwanted things.
2. Then switch off handphone or tablet android you.
3. Press and hold the Volume Up HOME Power simultaneously several seconds.
4. Use the Volume Up to select the menu "Factory reset or wipe data".
5. Then press the HOME button to start the process of a hard reset.
6. Wait for some time until the process is complete.
7. Then select the menu again Reboot the system Now.
To enter the menu Mode Recovery can only be performed when the condition of the hp dead (off)
to enter the Recovery Mode in every smart phone sometimes varies depending on the brand or type of smartphone used,follows this is how to enter recovery mode in all brands of smartphone android.

**How To Enter Recovery Mode All brands of smart phone or table android

Acer BeTouch E210 and Acer Liquid Metal:
Press the Volume Down Camera Power simultaneously > Follow the instructions on the screen

Advan T1c:
Press the Power key, after start start-up, press the Volume Down until out image of Android and the triangle exclamation mark /!\. After that press the HOME button to go to recovery mode. When the HOME button is not working, try press the Menu key.

Cross A1 Tabmate:
Press and hold the Vol Down and then press the Power key (both do not removed to enter recovery mode
Cross AD350:
Press the HOME button Volume Down Press the Power key > will appear the sign /!\ > press the HOME button
Cross A6T TabMate:
Press the HOME button Volume Up the Power key

Blueberry CSL Mi 410:
Press and hold the Volume Up Volume Down Power simultaneously > after that press the HOME button
Blueberry CSL Mi 320:
press the trackpad the Volume Up Power at the same time

Huawei X3 and X5:
Press and hold the vol up the Power key
Huawei S7:
Press the MENU key Call Power
Ideos C8150 only (AHA Touch):
Press the Call Volume Up the Power key

IMO Tabs Z5:
Key Misappropriations Power Volume Down simultaneously > when there is a view of the IMO, release the Power key (the volume remains suspended).

Press and hold the Camera key HOME > wait until the Android logo appears, directly press the Menu key back together. Use the navigation buttons to select the correct Volume or OK
For centuries, various kinds of drugs have been trying to find people to cure many diseases. Since the days of the earliest traditional medicine is mostly herbal medicine has been used to treat the disease. For example Ebers Papyrus, arranged in Egypt around the sixteenth century BCE, loading hundreds of people drugs for various diseases. However, herbal treatment is usually down orally from generation to generation.

Although there are of the opinion that traditional medicines or drugs herbs more secure than modern pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicine not at risk. Warning and recommendations of what should be easily identifiable someone during consider herbal treatment or traditional medicine? Before discussing about the risk of traditional medicines, the following are some traditional prescription drugs and the fact of treatment from each of the recipes that regulates to overcome some type of disease and solve problem for personal appearance.

Traditional Medicine
Traditional Medicine

Cholesterol and Diabetes
• Recipe: Boil the leaves together with laos and drink of the water of the stew.
• Fact: Leaves contain flavonoid and tannin as a substance capable of menurunkankan cholesterol. Can also reduce the level of sugar in the blood.
Laos contains essential oil industry to help accelerate the blood circulation and the process of metabolism spending including the excessive cholesterol.

• Recipe: celery consumption regularly.
• Fact: Celery contains phthalide capable to loosen the muscles of the arteries so that lower blood pressure for patients with hypertension and also reduce stress hormone production.

• Recipe: Drink stew water from ginger, sereh and coriander seeds.
• Fact: ginger, sereh and coriander seeds contain oil industry which will facilitate the circulation of blood also function as analgesics to reduce pain in the head.

• Recipe: Water lime mixed with honey.
• Fact: lime contains Vitamin C which can improve the durability of the body to fight against bird flu. Also functions as an antiseptic property is able to remove the poison in the body.
Honey that also functions as an antiseptic and able to add the power to defeat the disease.

The Wound
• Recipe: Apply honey on the part of the injured
• Fact: Honey contains hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid which will kill bacteria cause infection and help the growth of new cells so that the wound quickly healed.

• Recipe: Wind sirih leaves that have been cleaned and insert it into the opening in the nose.
• Fact: Leaves sirih capable to reduce bleeding, including on bleeding in mucous nose like that happens on those who suffered nosebleeds.

Smelly Mouth
• Recipe: Boil the leaves sirih, clove and turmeric. Then mouthwash using water stew.
• Fact: Leaves sirih and clove contains an antiseptic substance. Turmeric contains kurkumin is able to overcome the infection causes smelly mouth.

• Recipe: Boil the leaves sirih and sambiloto.
• Fact: Leaves sirih function as an antiseptic property. Sambiloto function as antiflamasi that are able to kill the fungus and prevent itch.

Menstrual pain
• Recipe: Boil turmeric together with java acid.
• Fact: Turmeric contains kurkumin. Java contains a handful of amino acid that will make the blood of menstruation become smoothly and reduce crampy belly.

Difficulty Sleeping
• Recipe: Rubbing lavender oil on the pillow or under the nose that can smell. Can also with drink juice cucumber, banana and nutmeg.
• Fact: Aromatherapy using the flower lavender make a person more quickly sleep sleep.

Cucumber contain much vitamin C. Bananas contains carbohydrates and folic acid which waged blood circulation. Nutmeg contains essential oil industry is able to make the mind calm.

Dry lips
• Recipe: Apply honey on the lips.
• Fact: Honey function as antioxidants and humecant which can maintain humidity, including kelembabanbibir so that the lips do not become to crack.

Decayed teeth
• Recipe: blend strawberries and mix with half teaspoon baking soda. Apply on the teeth, wait for a few minutes and then clean. Do occasionally alone, because this acid can erode your teeth when used in often.
• Fact: Strawberries contains malic acid which functions as a natural bleach.

• Recipe: Take egg white and apply on the face, use as a mask.
• Fact: egg white manganese

*Summarized from all resources
Hypertension caused by the existence of the problems in the system of blood vessels such as : the hardening and clogging the arteries that will result in a narrowing of the blood vessel, this will have an impact on the heart to work extra hard so that the blood pumped until the blood vessel.

The traditional crops Drugs Anti-Hypertension
The traditional crops Drugs Anti-Hypertension
For patients with hypertension is the treatment requires drugs to lower blood pressure to return to normal or controlled.The intake of chemical medicines antihypertensives that continue to- continuously also less good for health because there may be a side effect on the use of drugs in a long time.
Therefore it is highly recommended to try alternative medicines non-chemical that many found from nature.

Some drugs experience that her womb can reduce even cure diseases hypertension, if dikomsumsi properly and orderly, including :

1.Leaves (Syzigium polyanthum)
Efficacy : reduce koesterol and high blood pressure, lower
high blood glucose.

How to Use :
1.Take fresh leaves as much as more or less 10 sheets.
2.leaves washed and boiled with 3 glasses of water to the remaining 1 glasses.
After the cold water is filtered and drunk at the same time on the night of the day.Do regularly every day to get good results.

2. The grass of the sea (Laminaria japonica)
Efficacy : normalize your blood pressure, lower high cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis.

The most popular sea grass is wakame, which is often used in miso soup. There is also the kombu and nori, which is easy to be found in supermarkets. You can make a delicious food in the daily menu to keep the heart healthy and reduce and normalize your blood pressure.

3. Cucumber
Efficacy: mineral level high potassium useful to reduce high blood pressure, and useful also to reduce kidney stones. How can use in domestic consumption directly ( as warungs ), or in juice, can also add with other fruit, if only the composition of the cucumber more from other fruit.

4. Cantaloupe
Efficacy: with cucumbers that rich content of potassium, good to reduce high blood pressure and also good for kidney problems/bladder
some fruit/plants that covers the same content with the cucumber/cantaloupe: peach or peaches, strawberries, raspberi, leaves the turnip and wheat grass.

5. Pure Noni juice Morinda Citrifolia (L)
Efficacy : reduce high cholesterol, lower high blood pressure, reduce the level of sugar in the blood to

choose pure Noni juice that is mature and take airnyadengan how in the blender jar. Then the water pure Noni juice are mixed with honey and drink every morning before breakfast.

6. Appointment Black (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)
Securities : streamline and melt the blood circulation, neutralize toxins
in your body.

Material :
- 30 gr leaves the gods
- 25 gr appointment black
- 2 florets flowers soka/siantan
- 2 florets roses

How To Preparing Concoction :
Boil with 600 cc water until the remaining 200 cc, filter and the water is drunk. Do 2 times a day until the get good results.

7. Garlic
helpful: lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol, destroy penggumplan blood

How to Use :
Take 3 cloves of garlic is still fresh and then peel and wash to clean, beaten until smooth thus pressed with plus the appropriate amount of water, hence the water is drunk. just done 3 times 1 days

8. Onions
Efficacy: Have the same efficacy with garlic. how easy, take one cloves onions, clean and peeled the skin, then slice and eaten with rice. Do this habit regularly 2 times a day.

Modern lifestyle today many affect daily life style of Indonesian society. One of them is the consumption of fast food or junk food. Now this juxtaposition which then trigger a variety of diseases and the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body and the cause of heart disease and hypertension, with consumes as natural medicines plants will help control your blood pressure. Hopefully the benefits.

*Summarized from all resources
Coughing is often considered mild health complaints. Some people resolve complaints of cough in this manner mengomsumsi chemical drugs good sold free and using prescription only. There are some who think that with drug mengomsumsi coughing chemicals will cause dependence, when no medication complaints cough appears again. Not all people are able to identify the cause of batuknya, because the coughing can be a symptom of various diseases, khsusunya in the respiratory tract.


Coughing can occur as a result of certain stimylasi, for example the existence of dust in the receptor coughing ( the respiratory tract, nose and ear ). Then the receptor will' through the nerves to the cough center in the brain. Furthermore, receptors coughing will give a signal to the muscles in the body which aims to remove the foreign object, through a process called coughing.

Coughing can be caused by various things, for example because the top pernapasa tract infections ( ISPA ) which is bird flu symptoms, allergy asthma, choking, inhale smoke etc. Traditional Medicines Plants is appropriate for helping cure cough one blatantly false galingale. Galingale with plus sirih leaves will be more effective in addressing the coughing. In the medicinal plants Galingale there are some chemical compounds such as mineral oil industry, Pati, amino acid cinnamic metil kanil, penta dekaan, and ethyl aster. In addition, galingale also contain borneol, kamphene anisic acid, paraeumarin, alkaloid and GAM.

The following is the recipe and how to remixing medicinal plants galingale to help ease the coughing you.

Material :

• rock sugar daily bread.
• 7 bay leaf sirih.
• 30 gr galingale.
• 600 cc water.

How to Preparing Concoction

1. Wash all ingredients that had been prepared earlier.
2. Cut the leaf galingale, and mix it with 7 bay leaf sirih.
3. Boil the water with 600 cc up to the water remaining 300 cc ( half ).
4. Serve immediately concoctions in 2 cup for 2 times drink.
5. Drink the herbal medicine plants formula 2 times a day until the cough you really healed.

*Summarized from all resources
1.Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT)

Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT)
Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT)
Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT) found Dr Warsito from Indonesia was recognized by the World, DR Warsito Not preferred by the government that is in power and are not allowed to worship in our own country. A scientist who successfully opened the way in the field of cancer treatment in the medical world almost there is no cure for avian influenza. But with the technology of the findings he namely ECVT and ECCT, there was a glimmer of hope for those who suffer from the disease to cancer can find the beautiful flow of their lives.

2.Digital Pills

Digital Pills
Digital Pills

A team of British researchers have developed a product in the form of smart pills that is able to detect a health condition of the patient. The pill is quite pressed and from the embedded microchip will display the information displayed through mobile devices such as blackberry or tablet with the help of a particular application. This will be easier for the doctor to analyze the condition of the patient and how to maintenance potentially lived. Even though it initially be worried about have side effects caused by the use of microship in the body, the researcher has to ensure that the pills are safe for use ingredients that are made from the elements of the food.

3.Brain connection with the computer

Brain connection with the computer
Brain connection with the computer

Has the brain directly connected to the computer is there is only restricted to the illusion that there is in the Hollywood movies. But now a team from Brown University with the name of the BrainGate is doing research to realize the imagination. Through an authorized site, they say that has been successfully using electrodes small size and put it into the brain. And from the initial research showed that the nerve signals can be translated by the computer in real-time and used to operate external devices. With the continuing detriment this way, even Intel predicts that this method will really can be realized in the 2020 future.

4.Modern contraceptives

Modern contraceptives
Modern contraceptives
Rapidly deteriorating demand for MicroCHIPS, a research institution to health, succeeded in developing a modern contraceptives a chip embedded in the human body. Through this chip, patients can determine when they want to postpone pregnancy. In the simple, chip is working through the remote which can be controlled using the Blackberry. If patients do not want to have children, live activate and automatically chip will provide some kind of serum, similar to that used in contraceptive methods through the injection. Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation as a funding agency full support to this project and is currently in the testing in several African countries, Latin America and Asia.

5.Implant the brain to restore the memory of

Implant the brain to restore the memory of
Implant the brain to restore the memory of

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an institution from the Department of Defense the United States has appointed two leading universities to do research in this case develop technology implant the brain. This technology aims to restore the memory or lost memories for use on the soldiers or a veteran who suffered brain injury while on duty or in the battle. Even to the fore, implant the brain can also help patients with Alzheimer and Parkinson Disease. In dealing with this ambitious project, The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia each receive research funding of 15 million US dollars (around Rp174,3 billion) and 22.5 million US dollars (around Rp261,5 billion).

6.Smart tattoo

Smart tattoo
Smart tattoo
Researchers from the University of California succeeded in finding unique ways to take advantage of the sweat to charge the battery for blackberry. By installing a similar sensor with tattoo, this appliance will change lactate found in the sweat and turning it into a power outlet. In addition to the plant at the sensor specific skin, added also bio-battery to store a number of power is collected. Although this project has not been completed, but it is not possible to the fore the researchers successfully develop and can really be applied in everyday life.

7.Pancreas bionik

Pancreas bionik
Pancreas bionik
An artificial pancreas developed by scientists Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston University in the United States, has successfully been tested for diabetic patients. The pancreas have sensors will monitor blood sugar level through the blackberry and process every five minutes. If the high blood sugar and the pancreas will be pumping insulin and vice versa if low blood sugar and it will be pumping glucagon. All that is done automatically so that users do not need to worry about the level of sugar in the blood during the activity. In the trial for five days of 20 adults and 32 teenagers, this appliance proved to be more able to improve blood sugar control compared with standard monitor and insulin pump.

*Summarized from all resources