For centuries, various kinds of drugs have been trying to find people to cure many diseases. Since the days of the earliest traditional medicine is mostly herbal medicine has been used to treat the disease. For example Ebers Papyrus, arranged in Egypt around the sixteenth century BCE, loading hundreds of people drugs for various diseases. However, herbal treatment is usually down orally from generation to generation.
Although there are of the opinion that traditional medicines or drugs herbs more secure than modern pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicine not at risk. Warning and recommendations of what should be easily identifiable someone during consider herbal treatment or traditional medicine? Before discussing about the risk of traditional medicines, the following are some traditional prescription drugs and the fact of treatment from each of the recipes that regulates to overcome some type of disease and solve problem for personal appearance.
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Traditional Medicine |
Cholesterol and Diabetes
• Recipe: Boil the leaves together with laos and drink of the water of the stew.• Fact: Leaves contain flavonoid and tannin as a substance capable of menurunkankan cholesterol. Can also reduce the level of sugar in the blood.
Laos contains essential oil industry to help accelerate the blood circulation and the process of metabolism spending including the excessive cholesterol.
• Recipe: celery consumption regularly.
• Fact: Celery contains phthalide capable to loosen the muscles of the arteries so that lower blood pressure for patients with hypertension and also reduce stress hormone production.
• Recipe: Drink stew water from ginger, sereh and coriander seeds.
• Fact: ginger, sereh and coriander seeds contain oil industry which will facilitate the circulation of blood also function as analgesics to reduce pain in the head.
• Recipe: Water lime mixed with honey.
• Fact: lime contains Vitamin C which can improve the durability of the body to fight against bird flu. Also functions as an antiseptic property is able to remove the poison in the body.
Honey that also functions as an antiseptic and able to add the power to defeat the disease.
The Wound
• Recipe: Apply honey on the part of the injured
• Fact: Honey contains hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid which will kill bacteria cause infection and help the growth of new cells so that the wound quickly healed.
• Recipe: Wind sirih leaves that have been cleaned and insert it into the opening in the nose.
• Fact: Leaves sirih capable to reduce bleeding, including on bleeding in mucous nose like that happens on those who suffered nosebleeds.
Smelly Mouth
• Recipe: Boil the leaves sirih, clove and turmeric. Then mouthwash using water stew.
• Fact: Leaves sirih and clove contains an antiseptic substance. Turmeric contains kurkumin is able to overcome the infection causes smelly mouth.
• Recipe: Boil the leaves sirih and sambiloto.
• Fact: Leaves sirih function as an antiseptic property. Sambiloto function as antiflamasi that are able to kill the fungus and prevent itch.
Menstrual pain
• Recipe: Boil turmeric together with java acid.
• Fact: Turmeric contains kurkumin. Java contains a handful of amino acid that will make the blood of menstruation become smoothly and reduce crampy belly.
Difficulty Sleeping
• Recipe: Rubbing lavender oil on the pillow or under the nose that can smell. Can also with drink juice cucumber, banana and nutmeg.
• Fact: Aromatherapy using the flower lavender make a person more quickly sleep sleep.
Cucumber contain much vitamin C. Bananas contains carbohydrates and folic acid which waged blood circulation. Nutmeg contains essential oil industry is able to make the mind calm.
Dry lips
• Recipe: Apply honey on the lips.
• Fact: Honey function as antioxidants and humecant which can maintain humidity, including kelembabanbibir so that the lips do not become to crack.
Decayed teeth
• Recipe: blend strawberries and mix with half teaspoon baking soda. Apply on the teeth, wait for a few minutes and then clean. Do occasionally alone, because this acid can erode your teeth when used in often.
• Fact: Strawberries contains malic acid which functions as a natural bleach.
• Recipe: Take egg white and apply on the face, use as a mask.
• Fact: egg white manganese
*Summarized from all resources
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