1.Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT)

Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT)
Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT)
Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT) found Dr Warsito from Indonesia was recognized by the World, DR Warsito Not preferred by the government that is in power and are not allowed to worship in our own country. A scientist who successfully opened the way in the field of cancer treatment in the medical world almost there is no cure for avian influenza. But with the technology of the findings he namely ECVT and ECCT, there was a glimmer of hope for those who suffer from the disease to cancer can find the beautiful flow of their lives.

2.Digital Pills

Digital Pills
Digital Pills

A team of British researchers have developed a product in the form of smart pills that is able to detect a health condition of the patient. The pill is quite pressed and from the embedded microchip will display the information displayed through mobile devices such as blackberry or tablet with the help of a particular application. This will be easier for the doctor to analyze the condition of the patient and how to maintenance potentially lived. Even though it initially be worried about have side effects caused by the use of microship in the body, the researcher has to ensure that the pills are safe for use ingredients that are made from the elements of the food.

3.Brain connection with the computer

Brain connection with the computer
Brain connection with the computer

Has the brain directly connected to the computer is there is only restricted to the illusion that there is in the Hollywood movies. But now a team from Brown University with the name of the BrainGate is doing research to realize the imagination. Through an authorized site, they say that has been successfully using electrodes small size and put it into the brain. And from the initial research showed that the nerve signals can be translated by the computer in real-time and used to operate external devices. With the continuing detriment this way, even Intel predicts that this method will really can be realized in the 2020 future.

4.Modern contraceptives

Modern contraceptives
Modern contraceptives
Rapidly deteriorating demand for MicroCHIPS, a research institution to health, succeeded in developing a modern contraceptives a chip embedded in the human body. Through this chip, patients can determine when they want to postpone pregnancy. In the simple, chip is working through the remote which can be controlled using the Blackberry. If patients do not want to have children, live activate and automatically chip will provide some kind of serum, similar to that used in contraceptive methods through the injection. Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation as a funding agency full support to this project and is currently in the testing in several African countries, Latin America and Asia.

5.Implant the brain to restore the memory of

Implant the brain to restore the memory of
Implant the brain to restore the memory of

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an institution from the Department of Defense the United States has appointed two leading universities to do research in this case develop technology implant the brain. This technology aims to restore the memory or lost memories for use on the soldiers or a veteran who suffered brain injury while on duty or in the battle. Even to the fore, implant the brain can also help patients with Alzheimer and Parkinson Disease. In dealing with this ambitious project, The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia each receive research funding of 15 million US dollars (around Rp174,3 billion) and 22.5 million US dollars (around Rp261,5 billion).

6.Smart tattoo

Smart tattoo
Smart tattoo
Researchers from the University of California succeeded in finding unique ways to take advantage of the sweat to charge the battery for blackberry. By installing a similar sensor with tattoo, this appliance will change lactate found in the sweat and turning it into a power outlet. In addition to the plant at the sensor specific skin, added also bio-battery to store a number of power is collected. Although this project has not been completed, but it is not possible to the fore the researchers successfully develop and can really be applied in everyday life.

7.Pancreas bionik

Pancreas bionik
Pancreas bionik
An artificial pancreas developed by scientists Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston University in the United States, has successfully been tested for diabetic patients. The pancreas have sensors will monitor blood sugar level through the blackberry and process every five minutes. If the high blood sugar and the pancreas will be pumping insulin and vice versa if low blood sugar and it will be pumping glucagon. All that is done automatically so that users do not need to worry about the level of sugar in the blood during the activity. In the trial for five days of 20 adults and 32 teenagers, this appliance proved to be more able to improve blood sugar control compared with standard monitor and insulin pump.

*Summarized from all resources



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